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Please phone for emergencies as emails aren't always accessible

Emergency locksmith On-site lock repairs Local locksmiths Qualified locksmiths Lock repairs

Local locksmith?  You need Goldie Locks

Locked out of your home or business?  No need to worry.


Goldie Locks operates a 24 hour emergency locksmith service so we're always available whenever you need us.


If you're locally based, we don't even charge you for the call out!

You never know when you might need a professional to help you access your property.  That's why  we're here for you, WHENEVER you need us.

If your lock is faulty or damaged, we'll replace or repair it on-site so your property stays secure.

It's your home, and you're going to want it secure as soon as possible.  What does that mean for you?  24 hour availability, fast response times and FREE call-outs for locally based customers.

We're a fully trained and qualified team of local locksmiths with full public liability insurance - so you're not taking chances.

24/7 emergency locksmith

On-site lock repairs

All you have to do is call

Qualified locksmiths